Author: Steven Poster, ASC | Board of Directors, 6P Color, Inc.
Alright! What Are You Missing?
You’re missing the emotional depth of seeing colors as they truly are—beyond what Red, Green, and Blue can show you. The colors between the colors. The ones you can’t see because current display technology simply cannot capture them.
But astronauts can tell you.
Looking down on Earth from space, they describe an overwhelming sense of awe—not just at the beauty of our planet, but at the vivid colors that today’s imaging systems fail to reproduce.
When presented with footage captured using six-primary-color imaging, which expands far beyond the limitations of traditional RGB, astronauts instantly recognize what they saw with their own eyes in space.
Their reaction is striking … :
Reid Wiseman’s and other astronauts we speak with underscore what is possible.
Until now, only those who have ventured beyond Earth have specifically experienced these breathtaking hues—the cosmic gradients of an aurora from space, the deep blues of our oceans reflecting the sun’s rays, the shifting shades of Earth’s atmosphere as it curves into infinity.
The reason? Current display technology and their workflows do not have the ability to reproduce these colors. The limits of RGB have constrained the way we experience imagery for over a century.
But now, for the first time, we can bring these colors back to Earth—capturing raw footage and then artfully displaying it in six-primary-color imaging, unlocking a spectrum of visual accuracy never before possible.
The Solution: FCR by 6P Color
For the first time, we have a true expansion of what color can do for an audience.
For years, improvements in resolution, acutance, brightness, pixel density, and motion interpolation have reshaped visual media. But instead of enhancing the experience, these so-called “engineering gifts” have often eroded our ability to suspend disbelief. These technical upgrades may seem beneficial on paper, but they haven’t solved the most serious deficit in imaging: color reproduction.
Until now.
6P Color has introduced Full Color Range ™ (FCR)—a breakthrough that expands color beyond the limitations of traditional RGB. No other color system can make that claim.
What Makes FCR Revolutionary?
For decades, the industry has called for an end-to-end, device-independent color management system. This goal frustratingly has remained out of reach—until FCR.
Using advanced colorimetric mapping, FCR replaces the outdated RGB “triangle” with an infinitely accurate color map. Unlike existing color gamuts, FCR ensures every color is represented as a precise digital data point, translating directly to its own pixel. The result? Lifelike color visualization on any display—whether it’s a TV, smartphone, AR/VR system, digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, medical imaging, or even industrial screens.
And the best part? FCR is backwards compatible with all displays. That means visual content—whether filmed in Technicolor in (1917, 1st 2 strip | 1935 first 3 strip RGB) or Dolby Vision XDR today—will be displayed with true-to-intent accuracy on screens equipped with FCR technology.
Why Does This Matter?
FCR is a colorimetric system capable of representing every hue within the CIE color space—the full spectrum of colors the human eye can see. 2x what we have today.
Science has shown that certain colors elicit powerful emotional responses. Consider the first time you saw the tropical waters of the Caribbean—the feeling of awe that washed over you. That response was triggered by a specific frequency of color that today’s technology simply can’t reproduce.
Now, imagine giving filmmakers, cinematographers, and designers the power to intentionally evoke emotions using colors previously impossible to display.
That’s the future we’re creating.
And while you may never be an astronaut, for the first time, you can see the world as they have seen it. To COLOR INFINITY and BEYOND!

About the Author: Steven Poster (LinkedIn) | Wikipedia Steven Barry Poster, A.S.C, I.C.G. (born 1 March 1944) is an American cinematographer and photographer who is the former President of the International Cinematographers Guild. He is best known for his collaborations with Richard Kelly, including the director’s 2001 cult classic Donnie Darko.