
The Full Color Range

Using patented technologies called Full Color Range™ (FCR), you can now accurately transport and display all the vivid colors humans can perceive.
We enable Color Without Limits™

From the movie screen to your home television, today’s RGB displays show only 45% of all the possible colors the human eye can see.  6P Color’s Full Color Range™ system can express all the colors in Nature.

A new era of


Solving a Systems Problem

The Full Color Range™ system preserves color data throughout the content pipeline. Digital cameras capture a broad spectrum of color data but it is lost in the content pipeline as it reaches digital RGB displays. FCR™ preserves RAW color data captured by a camera, or digitally created (animations, effects), and transports all captured colors to digital displays.

Future Ready,
Backward Compatible

The FCR™ system leverages technology already used in digital workflows, with minimal changes needed to Academy Color Encoding System (ACES). Our FCR™ system can coexist with legacy RGB displays and workflows. This technology is a “colorimetric” mapping solution enabling manufacturers to create displays using any colors desired.

Advantages Even
Beyond Color

Seeing more colors with the FCR™ system is an awe inspiring experience, but the benefits of the FCR™ system don’t stop there. From increased brightness to power savings to color consistency across different displays, the FCR™ system will transform how we see digital imagery in new and vivid ways.

“ Full Color Range technology is not just Bit-Depth or Gamut, it’s not just Chromaticity and Luminosity… FCR™ is a color system that allows our audience to really feel the emotional message that true and complete color can impart”

Steven Poster
6P Board Member, American Society of Cinematographers

“For years, our displays have been limited to the triangle of red, green, and blue as the primary colors. Now, we can break out of this triangle and present a wider spectrum of colors, capturing the full range seen in nature through modern cameras. This enhances storytelling with greater emotional impact, improves scientific imaging, and allows us to experience the awe of the colors our Creator intended for us.”

Corey P. Carbonara, PhD
Professor Baylor University, 6P Board Member, Former Sony Executive

“As humans have progressed, we’ve encountered a spectrum of vibrant natural colors that have significantly impacted our pleasure, well-being, protection, as well as our cognitive development. To fully appreciate the rich benefits that nature offers, we must explore beyond the limitations of the current digital display triangle.”

Mitch Bogdanowicz, PhD
Chief Color Scientist, Former Kodak Color Science Lead

“After years of grappling with the limitations of color and brightness, we are finally liberated to push the boundaries of visual expression. No longer confined by narrower color ranges of the past, we now have the freedom to bring our most vivid and dynamic visions to life, delivering an experience that captures the full depth and brilliance of the world as it truly is.”

Gary Mandle
6P Board Member, Former Sony Executive

 “6P Color’s Full Color Range (FCR) format is the next evolution of electronic color imagery that is both future proof for multi-primary displays as well as backward compatible with current RGB displays.  FCR captures all visible color and delivers the image data in a colorimetric format without loss or limitations.”

Jim DeFilippis
VP Product Development, Former Fox/News Corp. & ABC

“Think outside the triangle.”

Mike Korpi, PhD
Professor Baylor University, Scientific Collaborator 

The Impact Of


Digital Cinema

With the FCR™ system’s increased luminance and color applied to digital cinema projection technology, the alluring stories told on the big screen will be even more captivating.

Virtual Production

ICVFX workflows are complicated by color-related issues with LED wall technology. Optimizing color in VP management workflows with the FCR™ system produces images that look more realistic and consistent.

Animation and Effects

For stories that are made digitally, not just captured in-camera, the FCR color technology affords digital artists new ways to build photorealistic visual effects and create the next fantastical animation.

AR/VR – Gaming

Adding a greater number of more realistic colors using the FCR™ system will enhance the realism of AR/VR immersive and gaming environments without sacrificing latency.

Creative Workflow Postproduction

FCR system preserves data captured by the cameras so that more color data is available to creatives, thus reducing the time-consuming need to create multiple color grades.

Consumer Displays

The FCR™ system can be used to exploit native capabilities in a variety of existing displays, offering a significant visual enhancement even before adding additional primaries.

Special Venues and Events

From theme parks to art installations to concert venues, more colors and more captivating visuals with the FCR™ system means more ways to enliven any story and make a unique digital experience even more memorable.

See the colors you were